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Skills workout with Gabo Loaiza
30 maj 2022 0 kommentarer

It´s a pleasure for us to announce that during 13th-17th June, we arrange technial training for players born 2004-2010 with Gabo Loaiza, assistant coach Umea BSKT at the Swedish Basketball League.
The practice time will 9 -12 a´clock at GA-hallen.
Summer is the best period to improve individually as a player.
During this practices we will work on individual development, different skills, decision making, bodyconditioning and focus on really important aspect of the game.
Gabo has been in Sweden before, as assistant coach in Wetterbygden Stars, also in the first Swedish league and headcoach in Superettan at the same team.
Last season Gabo was coaching at Xérez in Liga EBA and he has a big experience from youth basketballteams in Spain.
Xavi Mascaró , our headcoach of the men’s team will be part of the practices and Nebosja Maksimovic will be there as coach and mirror player to help the youth players to understand and show the skills we practice.
There is just a few available spots!
The price of this five practices is 750 Skr.
Contact Xavi to ask for your spot at the workouts, or +34656843768